
If you’re in Afghanistan and wish to leave, visit the website of the Australian Embassy in Kabul for the latest update on a Qatar Airways non-scheduled commercial flight from Kabul to Doha. The details of this flight may change so check the website regularly. This may be the last flight to leave Afghanistan for some time. Contact Qatar Airways directly to register your interest as soon as possible. If you secure a seat, you’ll have to pay and will need to comply with Australian Government requirements for entering Australia (see ‘Travel’).

Kabul is currently in lockdown. If you’re in Afghanistan despite our advice, be alert, follow the advice of local authorities and minimise your risk of exposure to COVID-19. The serious and ongoing threats of kidnapping and the volatile security environment have not changed.

We haven’t changed our level of advice:

Do not travel to Afghanistan due to the extremely dangerous security situation and the very high threat of terrorist attack.

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