
If you’re an Australian visitor in Libya leave as soon as possible. If you’re a long-term Australian resident of Libya, consider whether you have access to effective health services you and your family will need. If in doubt, we recommend you return to Australia. The Australian Government has no plans to evacuate you. Flight options to Australia are very limited and may reduce further.

In response to COVID-19, Libyan authorities have initiated public health measures which include travel and mobility restrictions due to the closure of airports, points of entry along land borders and maritime boundaries, as well as domestic movement restrictions. If you are in Libya, follow the advice of local authorities and minimise your risk of exposure to COVID-19. Ensure you have arrangements in place for an extended stay, and keep in contact with family and friends so they know you’re safe and well. If you need urgent consular assistance call +61 2 6261 3305. Our capacity to provide consular assistance to Australians in Libya is limited.

We haven’t changed our level of advice:

Do not travel to Libya due to ongoing fighting, unstable security, and the high threat of terrorist attack and kidnapping.

See Safety and Travel

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